A Publishing Center booklet that I put together several years ago
had been created at Daniel Boone Elementary School, New Melle,
Missouri, with its publishing equipment made available there to
encourage its thrust toward Writing For Success.
It emphasized publishing. The equipment was bought by Parent-
Teacher Funds made available for the purchase of equipment to
assist children in preserving their own creative work.
Scattered Thoughts, has over forty pages, including a few
roughly sketched graphics for Title Pages to divide the book into
There are several poems per page, though a few are a number of
I've mused about family, genealogy, friends, pets, community,
church, faith, school, colleagues, students, kids, memories,
seasons; moods, traumas, hobbies, arts & crafts, memorial
tributes, etc...
On Poetry Itself
You touched off a spark in me
And then you changed my destiny.
Although it happened years ago
I'm beholden, yet, you know!
I didn't really start writing after the age of thirty years. It
seemed to help to lessen haunting daily stressors.
A few years back I improved my computer use typing my poetry.
It's helped me with all that practice. I have never written any
poetry with intent to published. I do it just to express myself.
The attitudes and style do change with time.
Ideas keep popping up. I don't think that'll stop anytime soon.
Celia Freese - © Copyright 1996
Blanquito (Little White Boy)
October of 1945 - Fall of 1954
Blanquito Guillermo Frederico José, a pure white medium-haired
"altered" furboy proved to be "an angel in disguise".. and a
soulmate for always.
Blanco was my own cat. He had helped me through severe anemia and
a most disabling depression. Blanco had "knowing eyes", loving
and devoted eyes. He was my only communicant in a family with a
Mom, Dad and a brother through years of teenage stress.
Blanco knew me through and through and was the one "warm fuzzy"
link to life living to pull me through this awful time.
Blanquito was my one link to the knowledge that, for certain out
there, was a humane reality in life-living waiting for me ...
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My white long-haired wonder had walked on a leash along with our
scottie dog, Meggie (Margaret Rose, actually). He also learned to
bat a ping pong ball back to me with his paw accurately.
He let me sketch him in one position for long periods of time and
wagged the end of his tail to our in-house classical music.
He sat on a doll blanket put by me on various pieces of living
room furniture.
I'd move this blanket around to his favorite sitting places.
I'd left the doll blanket on my bed and he had chose to
expect to sit on it.
Blanco never crossed a street unless he couldn't feel any motor
or vehicle vibrations, while sitting on the street curb along
Granger Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan. He trained me well.
He was my soulmate, too!
Cats Are Special
In memory of Spook Blackie Freese (1964 - 1982) "Gotcha Day" October 8, 1964 My 18 year old Part-Persian Shiny Black Pillow
Spook, a part-persian personalityless pillow, came into my life with my husband's blessing. Spook managed an eighteen year life span as a "meowless"/purrless" feline. We brought in a parade of furry kittens to teach her to be cat like.
She was gentle, soft and silky. She trusted me exclusively and gave me her eighteen years of loyal devotion. Spook was hard to photograph due to a black lacquered shine.
Cats are special in my life,
giving warmth, serenity and peace.
Through what I've come to know as
seemingly endless stress and unrelenting strife.
Through numerous decades and/or countless years gone by,
interminable unending pressure erupts, disrupts and interupts
as ones comforts seem denied.
I hereby commend a grand cache of beauteous and fanciful felines.
With a significant and soothing lifelong devotion,
they do seemingly chase away chafe!
Celia Freese - cfCREATIONS
In memory of Zephrahn Sinbad Freese
Zephrahn, my gorgeous orange and white tabby boy, was a "don't
you touch me without expecting a no-holds-barred fight to the
finish" macho altered tom, who had lived twelve years of
independent aloofness. It was impossible to play with him.
His name meant "Golden Armour" according to my 3 "gaming" sons.
He took any approach as a challenge. But he loaned his sharp
bristly elegant coat to my scene for 12 fascinating years. He
seemed to think of himself as the "one in charge" of neighboring
I thought that he envisioned himself as appointed to be in charge
of any dog who happened to approach our yard.
Zephrahn demanded the out of doors for his litter box. Though, he
was born in the house.
His blend of fur was very difficult to photograph without a
contrasting dark back drop. He would often look ghost-like in
candid photos.
Timón (Frosty) Freese, My Current Feline
Timón Frosty Freese: May 1994
Gotcha Day Adoption: September 17, 1994
Timón, my current Abyssinian tabby, has warm, knowing, lovingly,
loyal 60 watt yellow eyes that throw love darts right through
your heart. He is so people-centered that he's demanded a give
and take relationship with my husband. And Timón won!
Timón has been a continuing learner. He picks up clues from
humans of all ages around him. He is like Blanco revisited in
that way..as a life-long learner!
Timón's eyes ooze love and devotion. He has emerged as a soulmate
Timón leads me through adjustments of retirement from 31 years of
teaching, while people make typical candid remarks about my
change in work status after 31 fulfilling years with kids
constantly around me. Thanks be to cats !!!
My Current Furrie Timón (1994 - ) I've got a kitten named Timón Such character has he. A more clever, loyal, beauteous cat You'd seldon ever see. I went into a shelter one day Approaching summer's end. Our eyes made contact instantly. He mewed and mewed continuously To communicate his need to me For him to be my friend... Celia Freese - cfCREATIONSLife is a Tickle, a Giggle, a Purr and a PlayIn Honor of My Current Furrie, Timón!" (as a Kitten) |\ /| |m\-m-/m| " m m m " { @ | @ } \ =Y =/ | ^ | /m m\ | m m m | ||m| |m|| /m||m| |m||m\ |m||m| |m||m| \m||m| |m||m/ >||m| |m||< m"m"m"m"m\ {m||m|_|m||m} m" "" "" m "/ cfCREATIONS (94)
Timón I've got a furrie named Timón He's such a people-centered sort ... So vigilent he's come to be His eyes are always fixed on me Each time I've been at home. My Abyssinian tabby cat Follows me from room to room. He trails me through the hall. It's a wonder I don't fall! Right there in the midst of things He races down the stairs past me. He's filled with endless energy. Enough to warm us all!
Celia Freese - cfCREATIONS
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My daughter-in-law gave me a plaque with the above inscription. There were three kittens and a mouse shown. Two are wrestling around a large red ball of yarn. The long loose end of yarn is looped around the hind leg of the kitten who is on it's back .. tossing a smaller ball of yarn into the air.
A mouse pulls and tugs at the far end of the long loose yarn strand, trying to take it with him.
If life is a "tickle", there'd be lots of laughter, Excitement, delight or amusement sought after. As my thoughts are just "iffy", I'd much rather say to be moved or be stirred Is a more thoughtful way ... to be tickled. If life is a "giggle" there'd be light-hearted laughter. Yet, a giggle seems so silly And compulsive by nature. As my thought are just "iffy", I'd tend just to say that a giggle Is a learned nervous habit displayed And perhaps a bit "fey". If life is a "purr", It would be a most pleasant sound. It's a vibrating murmur or a small motor well wound. Being 'sixty-two' so nifty, I'd just be inclined to say That purring is amusing, arousing, bewitching, Comforting, enchanting, soothing and okay. If life is a "frolic" Or a gamble to some or filled with unencumbered And spontaneous fun, To play would suggest such a reckless regard, I'd rather be caught playing SCRABBLE Than to romp in my yard.Celia Freese cfCREATIONS
I Want To Be The "Cat Lady" Oh, I wish I was in a house filled with cats! Oh, I wish I was in a house filled with cats! I'd just cuddle and I'd snuggle. I'd be in the center of the huddle. And I'd be known as a 'Lady' with too many cats. Celia Freese cfCREATIONS
There is no such thing, as what is currently thought as grade level or even age level appropriate, when you become aware of the uniqueness of learning-styles in school children...
Kids Kids are what make our world-go-round. Kids give us a whole new dimension in sound. Kids help us make our days go by Offering our lives a reason why All of us yet remain kids. Kids are what makes the time pass, too. Etching our lives and reshaping anew. Providing us all with our broadening view. Kids do resemble the sunshine's glow, Varied and sparkly and color filled souls, Giving each life with its own ebb and flow.
Faith And Courage I thought that you would like to know That someone's thoughts do ebb and flow. That while I've spent much time at school My constant prayers have been with you. Your energies remembered yet; Your thoroughness, since first we met; Your fine example strengthened me. May faith and courage follow thee...
Yearning To Learn Kids who yearn to want to learn Can through a teacher's example, Lean toward work where thoughts can lurk, Creating skills most ample. To hear a kid say, " This is fun ! " When really she's just working, Is pleasant to this teacher's ear And a good sign she's not shirking ! Celia Freese - Second Grade Teacher
Giving Thanks
A special greeting once again
Good reason for this ink and pen
And giving thanks for folks like you
Those kindly things your're apt to do
Your helping hand in times of need
Your caring presence felt indeed
Your thoughtfulness
Your being there
I'm very grateful
That you cared about
Me !
Celia Freese - cfCREATIONS
Autum Blessings Autumn is a pleasant time. So I'm apt to write in rhyme. Those colored leaves are floating down Crimson red and golden brown; Creamy peach and lemon yellow; Royal purple and orange most mellow. Some with rainbow hues no less Sprinkle the earth As if to bless. Celia Freese cfCREATIONS(95)I wrote this teddy bear tribute to a colleague who died in the spring of 1995 of brain cancer. I wrote this poem several weeks before her anticipated death, as she had a very large collection of teddy bears. Jody taught with a 'sub' her last weeks. She was with her class up until 5 days before she died. She had doctor's permission to do so and it created quite a stir in our elementary school building...
Peace Through The Holidays Peace ... Blessed peace ! May your joys increase This celebrate season. May the growing awareness Of human conditions Enrich and enlarge your God centered missions now And in the years to come!
Celia Freese cfCREATIONS
(In Memory of Weatherman Bob Richards) Snow Days
These seven days of ice and snow Kept us from school in homebound woe. With winter time our present foe Chill factors plunged to a recorded low. Accu-Weather does spell it out. So we, the public, should have little doubt. That it may be in a day or two Some tried prediction might come true. Five converging weather streams Here in our midst report extremes. Often we find conditions changed, According us a milder range. Occasionally the woolly worm For some folks name the winter's terms. For some, of course, an almanac bespeaks the Latest weather facts.
Celia Freese cfCREATIONS
(Days Home From School)
It's Snowing
The snow is coming down. To some it brings a frown. Though, prettily it frames a scene. Travel lanes are not too keen. Adults tend to show their tensions. Kids may show their apprehensions, When the out-of-doors is merely mentioned. Then there are some with daring-do To whom the challenge excites anew...
Celia Freese - cfCREATIONS (80s)
TEDDY BEARS Teddy Bears can be so very fluffy. Teddy Bears can seem so serene. Teddy Bears might be chubby or plump Or even might look rather lean. Teddy Bears often are made fuzzy. Teddy Bears sometimes feel smooth. Teddy Bears made of corduroy or velvet Are intended to calm and to sooth. Teddy Bears might be striped or plaid. Teddy Bears can feel solid or floppy. Teddy Bears might be prickly burlap. But he can be a best friend that you have. Teddy Bears are created to cuddle. Teddy Bears have a genial mind. Teddy Bears do lift you out of your muddles, So be gentle, caring and kind. Teddy Bears help us have fun at our play. Teddy Bears have neat sounding names. Teddy Bears are delightful companions. So never leave Teddy out when it rains. Teddy Bears are given as loving gifts. Teddy Bears, we receive, now and then. Teddy Bears are borrowed from time to time Just to alter our moods ... or that of a friend. Teddy Bears smile when we are weary. Teddy Bears do wink when we're glum. Teddy Bears are filled with love's stuffing. So hug tightly until love "oozes", my friend.Ones teaching methods need to enable the numerous types of learning styles to kick in...Celia Freese cfCREATIONS(94)
HIM What of this child sent on to me? What's to be done with him? What will shed light on his learning style, So that school might benefit him? What moves this child sent on to me? What can be stirred within? How will his unsteady scope awaken, So that he might yet broaden within? What sparks this child sent on to me? What can be offered to him? When one to one options Provide glimpses of hope, that support must be open to him!From Years Gone By:Celia Freese cfCREATIONS
Being a teenager was a most traumatic time in my young life. I was dealing with a severe bout with anemia, which threw me into an emotional collapse. It took it's toll. It lasted 2 & 1/2 long and difficult years to recover...
TearsAging:Tears are wretched. Tears are wane. Tears are sorrow, doubt and pain. Tears are given and received. Tears are weary. Tears are wrought. Tears are borrowed, loaned and brought. Tears are easily achieved. Tears are hurting. Tears are numb. Tears are gloomy, dark and glumb. Tears are meant to be relieved. Tears are fleeting. Tears are built. Tears are wonder, shock and guilt. Tears are real to the agrieved. Tears are lonesome. Tears are cruel. Tears are absent from the fool. Tears are sometimes make-believe. Tears are just. Tears are true. Tears are found on me and you. Tears are felt and shared indeed!
cfCREATIONS cfreese@mail.win.org
*wane (Roget's Thesaurus): sickly / unhealthy
A Variation of My Poem About Tears
Fears are wretched. Fears are wane. Fears are sorrow, doubt and pain. Fears are given and received. Fears are weary. Fears are wrought. Fears are borrowed, loaned and brought. Fears are easily achieved. Fears are hurting. Fears are numb. Fears are gloomy, dark and glumb. Fears are meant to be relieved. Fears are fleeting. Fears are built. Fears are wonder, shock and guilt. Fears are real to the agrieved. Fears are lonesome. Fears are cruel. Fears are absent from the fool. Fears are sometimes make-believe. Fears are just. Fears are true. Fears are found in me and you. Fears are felt and shared indeed! cfCREATIONS cfreese@mail.win.org
*wane (Roget's Thesaurus): sickly / unhealthy
ChangeConcerning the hassle one deals with as a Church Board Member! Being Poetic might help to express the frustration of trying to speak toward the expressed concerns of one's constituents...Change has a mighty eloquent ring. It shows growth...some resolve... A deliberate thing. Our making a difference Or becoming involved... Even being transformed Can make anyone proud. To change for the better Is a cause worth reform. For a...Mission In Life Is considered the norm.
Celia Freese - cfCREATIONS(94)
Our Silent MajorityThanks For Looking !!! January 20, 1999It is great to have strong feelings. It is fine to take a stand.
Be aware that your opinion Isn't enough to take command.
There are others of convictions Of their own throughout our midst.
They've a right to their opinion. Can fairness thrive where feelings mix?
Some rant, rave or stomp their feet Shouting loudly about their "druthers".
Though calm and solid faith-filled folk Deal daily with these brothers.
The quiet dignity of some May guide and counsel others.
Celia Freese - cfCREATIONS(94)