Barks Family Genealogy

Barks Family Genealogy

Birth Father's Maternal Side


Celia Ann (Wilsie) Staubach Freese

Alternate Names Recorded for Migrating Ancestor As Recorded

Johann Jacob Barrach Bergen,
Johann Jacob Barrach Berg
Johann Jacob Barrack
Johann Jacob Barrick
John Jacob Barrick

of the Duchy of Zwei Brucken [Two Bridges]

Barks Clan Surname Connections


[Paternal - Maternal] Family Connection

Old Barrack Family Bible
www@family Barks Ancestors

Some of which was sent to me by Linda Abrams, in exchange for my researched, gathered and collected, John Barks, Michigan family

Back Tracking a Step Toward Immigration

Illustrating what was going on in the area in which Jocob Bergen was raised at the time in which it was decided on a need to emigrate to Amerika, since he was baptized in 1745 into the Reformed faith.

Johann Jacob Barrach Berg, emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1769 and during this time the surname Berg soon became Barrach. Jacob had married twice.

After Catherine Hoffmann and he had had 5 children. She died.

He married Mary Elizabeth Shefford and had six more children, where they eventually had purchased land in Marion County, Ohio.

[Information taken from the old Barrack Bible.] German Reformed Influence of Calvanism

The records of the Reformed Church of Altenkirchen in Kusel, Germany, show that Johann Jacob Berg, 1603, legitimate son of Johann Bergen in Suschweiler, Zweibruchen, who was married: January 8, 1743 to Anna Margaretha, Legitamate daughter of Valentiuna Wagnerof Altenkirchen.

Their son Johann Jacob Berg was born, September 27, 1745 and was baptized in the Reformed Church, October 1, 1745.

George Schramm of Altenkirchen was among the witnesses, along with Jacob Bergeton; Gradelbach, Elisabetha, wife of Theobald Grosscloss, Margretha [Bibler] Morgan, 132 N. Huran Avenue, Columbus, Ohio, 43204,

[From a descendent of Jacob Berg's daughter, Catherine Barrick Mullenix [featured below] born on April, 1778, Martha has a family Bible, passed down from Catherine Barrack Mullen]

German entries translated into English Script by: Henning Schroede, Germany, Professional genealogist 'Im Sohl 60, 5270 Gummersbach, West, Germany'.

Author of a source book entitled:

18th Century Emigration from the Country of Syn - Altenkirchen, Phineland - Palantinate, West Germany.

In the book, the section, titled: Ship Passenger's Lists 91641-1825) it is recorded that Jacob Berg, son of Jacob Beren, and wife: Anna Margaretha Wagner, a black-smith by trade, went to Pennsylvania, along with Johann Theobald Schramm, son of George Schramm.

Arrival on the ship: Minerva and landed in Philadelphia, October 13, 1769.

NOTE: The property of both of them, namely an inheritance, which came to them later, was on that account, confiscated by the Government of the Duchy of Zwei-bruchen, since they no longer intended to return to their homeland.

Jacob Berg, referred to in the documents, was a blacksmith at Middletown, near Frederick, Maryland, while of Theobald Schramm, little is known -- only that after his arrival in America, he worked as a hostler [innkeeper] somewhere in Philadelphia.

During this period of time, the surname Berg got garbled to Barrick by the Colonial English clerks.

*Paternal Maternal [Great-Great-Great Grandpa Barks]

*Jacob Barrick married Catherine Hoffman and had five children. [We descend from this line].

i. Jacob Barrick, Jr. born: June 12, 1776
died: 1842

NOTE: Census_Year_1810: State: WEST VIRGINIA County: Hampshire, free white male, Head of household .. Barrick, Jacob: Hampshire, West Virginia. 798.

On, September 2, 1805, Mary Elizabeth Barrick, wife of Jacob, purchased the Basil Lucas 170 acres for $400 in Hampshire County, West Virginia.

The place was known as -Bar Camp- and was part of the land bought in 1779 by Andrew Smally from Lord Fairfax. It as in the Allegany Mountains, along the water of Montgomery Run, a small stream running into the North Fork of the Potomac River, west of Piedmont.

ii. Catherine Barrick, born: April 29, 1778
died: 5 September 1836

NOTE: Married Henry Mullenix April 19, 1796; b. April 22nd, 1774; Married April 19, 1776; He died May 28, 1840. [from records of Martha Bibler Morgan.]

iii. Elizabeth Barrick born: November 28, 1779
NOTE: The Family Bible, which Elizabeth possessed was bought in Winchester, Virginia, i 1816, for the price of $8. She married John Leyton, 1 May, 1828, Marion, Ohio. [from records of Martha Bibler Morgan.]

iv. *John Barrick born: June 2, 1781
died: September 27,1887,
73 yrs., 4 mns. & 15 dys/

NOTE: John Barks was in the 1820 Federal Census in Hocking Twp, Fairfield County, Ohio.

He was in 1883, Marion County, Ohio, history, page 564.

Much of the history of the Barks children of John Barks came from the court records and time line of the petition for partician of the land of William Barks, deceased.

John Barks was in the War of 1812. John and Solomon Barks purchased 80 acres in Marion Twp. on June 19, 1822.

John purchased June 21, 1823, 80 acres in Pleasant Twp., & another 80 acres in June 28, 1830 fron the Delware Land Office. [from the record of Mary (Millsor) Caskey].

v. Solomon Barrick born: April 9, 1783
death: 1845

NOTE: Solomon, a blacksmith by trade, became a farmer after the Revolutionary War. He was amongst the enlisted men of the 15th Regiment, US Infantry (Regular Army), as a Company recruit.

Solomon married, Jane. He built the third grist mill, on Big Walnut Creek, after the War of 1812.

It was situatd on Little Walnut Creek. The 3 existing mills have long since disappeared and have been replaced by more substantial structures. In the early days two-Still-houses were erected on Section 15, as well.

Between the years of 1806 and 1814, Solomon Barks, settled in various parts of the township, having migrated from Virginia and Maryland.

He is listed with the Record of Deeds Commisioners along with Brook Baker, John B. Stimmel, Solomon Barrick, Samuel Wilhide, Basil Land in the Groves Purchase, Joseph Friendship, [first brother], all thet is left 182 Acres.

This land bought from Adams SMITH, farmer; John SMITH called -of Philip- in deed; No plat; land sold to Charles WOOD -- Case discontinued by attorney, dtd 27 October, 1835. BAKER; Case discontinued ny attorney, dtd 27 October, 1835.

238 BARRICK, SOLOMON -- -Will of Solomon Barrick, Book II, p. 280, 6th of November, 1845, Washington County, Virginia, a copy is in the author's possession.

Transcript available at :

239. -- Account of Estate, Book 13, p 438, Washington, Virginia, a copy is in the author's possession, a transcription by the author is available at :

The Game of Lifes -- Barrick, Solomon -- Will of Solomon Barrick, Book II, p 280, 6 Novemeber, 1845, Washington County, Virginia ...


238 -Last Will and Testament - of Solomon Barrick; Book II, p 280, 6 November, 1845, Washington, Virginia, a copy is in the author's possession.

239. -Account of the Estate - Solomon Barrick, -Book 13, p 438, Washington County, Virginia, a copy is in the surthor's possession.

Genealogy in Bloom Township. Fairfield County, Ohio's Dreambook ...

The family Bible, which Elizabeth possessed was bought in Winchester, Virginia, in 1816, for the price of $8.

NOTE: Their mother, Catherine Hoffman, died. on 1784.

*Jacob's 2nd marriage was to Mary Shefford.

Born to this union were six children:

i. George Barrick born August 25, 1787

ii. Henry Barrick born January 8, 1790

iii. Mary Ann Barrick born January 11, 1791

iv. Susannah Barrick born April 23, 1794

v. Adam Barrick born December 5, 1796

vi. Esther born August 13, 1800

NOTE: These dates were taken from the old Bible records of Elizabeth Barrick. She gave the Bible to her sister, Catherine Mullenix. The Bible is now in the possession of Martha (Bibler) Morgan, Columbus, Ohio, a descendant.

*John Barrick, Tavernkeeper, the son of Jacob Barrick, married the 12th of may 1802, in Cumberland Allegany County, Maryland, to Rebecca (Odle/Odel). After their marriage they had lived for a time in Berkeley County, Virginia. (now known as West Virginia).

Note: John Barrick, Sr. Arrived in Stark County, Ohio, on Christmas Day, in 1811, along with a James Chambers and John Madden

*Paternal Maternal [Great - Great - Grandpa Barks]

John and Rebecca Barrick moved from there to Fairfield County, Ohio, where -JOHN-, then served, in the War or 1812 [Revolutionary War].

In Fairfield County, Ohio, the spelling of the surname Barrick changed to Barks. In the 1820 Federal Census of Fairfield County, Ohio, it lists, John's brothers: Jacob and Solomon, along with John in Fairfield County.

v. Catherine Barrick, their sister, married Henry Mullenix on April 19, 1796, and their family was listed in the 1830 Fairfield County Census.

vi. Henry Mullinix, born 22 Apr 1774 in Jefferson County, VA; died on 28 May, 1840 in Fairfield, Ohio. Henry had married Catherine Barrack; born 28 April, 1778.

NOTE: On his return from the War of 1812, John Barks, passed through Marion County, and marked a tree on some land he thought he might like to return to later.

Bounty Land Grants

A land bounty is a grant of land from our government as a reward to repay citizens for the risks and hardships they endured in the service of their country, usually in a military related capacity.

Land for Sale

Learning about land records, we know that there are different types of land records.

We deal with deeds. In the world of deeds there are different kinds of deeds, such as : warranty deeds and quit claim deeds. The federal government was responsible for dispersing Bounty land.

After the land North of the Greenfield Treaty Line was open for purchase, John and his brother Solomon Barks, purchased from the Delaware Land office, June 19, 1822, 80 acres in marion Township, Marion County, Ohio.

On the hill on the site, he had earlier marked, he built a tavern. John cut his own timber for the tavern and while doing so found the tree he had marked. The tavern was a two story structure with two large rooms on the first floor and three sleeping rooms on the second floor. It had first and second story porches, which added to its appearance.

It was called the Blue Ball Tavern, deriving its name from a lighted lantern suspended from one side of the Crossbeam and a large blue ball suspended from the other.

The ball is said to have been a Glacial Stone, weighing 33 pounds and was painted blue. A sign for the tavern was placed on the east side of the roadway and was a landmark in those days for weary travelers, who hauled their grain overland to Lake Erie for shipment to other markets.

The tavern was built on the west side of the road, called the Sundusky trail, [now known as Route 423].

John and Rebecca Barks owned and worked in the tavern until his death in 1842. Rebecca died Jauary 17, 1843. The oldest son, Joshua continued to operated the tavern for a number of years.

In 1853, Joshua remodeled the building and used it for a residence only. Joshua died in 1876, his son: George Frank Barks, took over the Barks farm. He tore down the old tavern an re-erected the log structure and use it to shelter his sheep, until it was destroyed around 1935.

He built a new home farther back from the road and a little south of where the old tavern stood.

This house was destroyed and the land used to build Southland Mall. The family burying grounds, where John, His wife, Rebecca, and son, William, were buried is also under Southland Mall.

John Barks purchased 80 acres in Pleasant Township, June 21, 1823, and another 80 acres in the same township, June 28, 1830. John and Rebeccas were parents of seven children :

i. Nancy Jane: born, 1805: m. James Cunningham: November 33 1823 in Fairfield County, Ohio, and died: 1849 in Marion County, Ohio.

NOTE: H. H. CUNNINGHAM (Marion Township) is a native of this county, is forty-three years of age, and the son of James and Nancy J. (Barks) Cunningham, who came from Berkeley County, Virginia., with their parents to Fairfield County, Ohio; the former was born in 1803, and the latter in 1805.

His mother's father, John Barks, kept as a pioneer the old Blue Ball Tavern, south of town. His parents came to Marion County in 1826, entering forty acres, and then clearing in his time 120 acres of forest land. He brought up ten children, five of whom are dead.

He died in 1860, aged fifty-seven years, and the mother died in 1849, aged forty-four years.

His grandfather, Robert Cunningham, was a Major in the war of 1812, and died from a wound received in service.

The Barks formerly originated in Germany. H. H. having received a common school education, enlisted April 19, 1864, in Company K, Fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was engaged at Rich Mountain, Romney, Winchester, Port Republic, Malvern Hill, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Bristow Station, Martin's Ford, Mine Run and the Wilderness; was wounded at Spottsylvania Court House, and honorably discharged after a service of three years.

In 1882, he visited England, and imported some fine Clydesdale and English draft horses. In 1864, Mr. Cummingham married Miss Mary A. Uncapher, daughter of George A. Uncapher, one of Marion County's early pioneers.

This union has resulted in five children--Zoe (deceased), Louesa, Grace, Hortense and Inez. Mr. Cunningham has been Trustee of his township several terms, and 1868-72 was Sheriff of the county. He is a stirring man in business.

In politics, he is an avowed Democrat, voting for Vallandigham and fighting in two battles the same day.

ISAAC D. CUNNINGHAM (Pleasant Township) was born November 11, 1841, in Marion Township.

He is a son of James and Nancy (Barks) Cunningham, who came from Virginia and reared a family of nine children, one of whom John became a skillful surveyor.

Our subject, having obtained a moderate education, went to California when a young man, passing four years there, and then spent one year in Illinois, Upon returning home, be was married, March 27, 1874, to Miss Sarah Sult, daughter of the Widow Harriet Sult.

They have an adopted child, named James. Immediately after marriage, they went to California, remaining three years, leaving in charge of another party a large farm of 670 acres.

In 1881, he purchased his present farm of eighty acres, paying $5,300, valued today at $6,000. Mr. Cunningham is a successful farmer and a respected citizen.

ii. William: born,1807: m. Harriet Carpenter: February 25, 1831 and died, July 6,1831 at the age of 21 year, 3 mns 8 dys., Marion County, Ohio.

NOTE: Read the section, which records William's indenture with John, to become apprentice blacksmiths ...

iii Joshua: born, March 26, 1809: m. Anna Rupley: December 13, 1832 and died, June 4, 1876, at age 67, in Marion County, Ohio.

NOTE: Read the section on taking over the tavern and converting it into a house for a period of time. Then remodeling it to use for a sheep shed. A house was built further back from the main road.

iv. *James D. [Devilbiss/Debensen]: born, 5, 12, 1814: m. Sophia C. Cool: March 24, 1842 Removed to Indiana before 1850, later [indentured] Sheridan County, & Removed on to Fremont, Center, Michigan.

Rebecca died at 68 yrs., 4 mons., & 8 Days.

James died September 27, 1887, at 73 yrs., 4 mns. & 15 dys.

Great-Great Grandpa Barks]

NOTE: James D. Barrick was called -John-, after a sibling, John, Jr., born abt. 1820, died young, around age 25 years.

v. Elizabeth: born,1813, Allageny County, Maryland.

NOTE: Married: John Leyton/Layton: May 1, 1828.

vi. Mary: born, 1816: m. Daniel Clark: September 19, 1833: Marion, Ohio.

NOTE: Daniel Clark was born in 1804.

vii. Margaret: born, 1819

NOTE: Married, Jacob Millisor, son of Barum and Elizabeth Server, one of the oldest residence in the county from 1819. H was September 25, 1834 in Pleasantville Twp., Ohio; raising 13 children and celebrating their 50th anniversary in 1884.

He died in August 1894 at the age of 86. She died in December of the same year at 75 years.

They moved to Fairfield for milling purposes for Hominy, which was popular then.

His 160 acres were $80 dollars per acre. In the Marion County History's Federal Census of Peasantville Twp, from 1840-1850-1860, Marion County 1870 & 1880.

Millisor purchased land fro Buckyrus Land Office , 80 acres the 19th of January, 1831, and another 80 acres on 10 September, 1832, both are in Range 15E, 6 south, section 10, one southwest quarter, other north east quarter.

A brick house was built in 1854. He was a great hunter, bring home, bring home some 5 to 6 deer per day. In his life-time, he brought home no less than 500 deer.

As a laborer he has reaped 40 dozen of wheat; or mowed3 acres of grass, in a day. He had spent 7 years upon the Erie Canal. cutting stone.

Jacob Milisor was also a 1st Lieutenant in the Marion County Militia for an Independent Company. He had served as a Justice of the Peace for 12 consecutive years. They had 13 children.

Mr. Millisor, is a liberal, a highly respected citizen, in politics a Democrate. They belong to the United bretheran Church in Pleaantville, Twp.

He served the church in every official capastiy! There are Marion County Courthouse Estates Papers; Case# 3102. [notes are taken from Mary Millsor Caskey, 1430 Twp., Road 67, Edison, Ohio, 43320.

Several of their children died tragically, including a: son, Newton, was poisoned by the daughter-in-law; tried and convicted and sentenced to death; a son: James, died of Typhoid fever; a Son: OBryan, died as an infant and a son Walter, drowned in Evan's Quarry.

In 1828, Jacob Barks leased his farm and blacksmith shop to his son, Henry. In the Hampshire County Census for 1830., both parents were living with henry's family.

Jacob and his wife both died in December of 1831. Henry was the administrator of the estate and reported to the Court the sale of personal Property, March 20, 1832, the amount of $181.50.

The land was sold October 10th, 1833 to a Thomas C. Miller and to a Thomas C. Cooper.

The following were listed as heirs: Jacob Barrick and wife, Mary: Solomon and wife, Jane: Henry Mullenix and wife Catherine [late Catherine Barrick] all of Fairfield County, Ohio.

John Barrick and his wife Rebecca Odel of Marion County, Ohio: Henry Barrick and wife Catherine of Monongalea County, Virginia: George Barrick and wife Catherine, and Peter Smith and wife Susan [late Susan Barrick],

James Murphy and wife, Marry Ann [late Mary Ann Barrick]: Elizabeth Barrick of Allegany County, Maryland, which said Jacob, Solomon, Catherine, John, George, Henry, Mary Susan, Ether and Elizabeth are children and heirs of Jacob Barrick deceased. These names are copied from the beginning sheet of the Indenture.

Information was obtained from old family Bible. On the front Page :

This family Bible is the property of Elizabeth Barrack, who was born November, 28, anno domini, 1779.

This book was bought in Winchester in the year of our Lord 1816 - price eight dollars. The Bible is dated 1813, printed for Johnson & Warner, No. 147 Market Street, Phiadphia.

Chapter 16 of Ezekiel: is marked with Xs, Page 597

Family record of Jacob Barrack [handwriting is the same as front page]

*Great-Grandpa Paternal's Maternal, also called: -John- Barks

*John Barks, Civil War Veteran; Son of *James D. Barks, owner of the Blue Ball Tavern

NOTE: -D- for -Devilbiss- .. English or -Debelbesen-
..German.., as it seems to be the only surname of the clan.

& Rebecca Odel/Odle. Removed from Marion County, Ohio; to Sheridan Twp. just south of Newaygo, County, Michigan, from Marion County Ohio, for the 1870 Michigan Federal Census.

Born: May 12, 1814

Died: September 27, 1887, age 73 years, 4 months & 15 days.

Buried: Evens Cemetery, near Evens Lake, Newago County, Michigan.

Married: March 24, 1842, Marion County, Ohio; Sophia C, Cool/Cole/Coll; Born: April 25, 1821

Warranty Deed

Registrarï's Office Newaygo County, ss.

Received for the record the 11th day

of April A.D. 1868 at 7 o'clock A.M.

and recorded in Liber 8 of the Deeds,

on Page 241, W. Persons, Registrar.<.BR>

State of Michigan, County of Calhoun on this - day of one thousand eight hundred and sixty before me - in the said County, personally came the above named - known to me to be the person who executed the following instrument and acknowledged the same to be - free act and deed.

State if Michigan - County of Calhoun, ss.

On this sixth day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight before me, the subscriber, A Notary Public, for said County, personally appeared Richard A. Martin and Margaret Martin (his wife) to me known to be the same persons described in and who executed the within instrument, who severally acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed.

And the said Margaret Martin on a private examination by me, separate and apart from her said husband, acknowledged that she executed the same freely, and without fear of or compulsion from anyone. David Millen, Rotary Public.

This Indenture made this sixth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty eight between Richard A. Martin and Margaret Martin, his wife, of the County of Calhoun and the State of Michigan, of the first part, and James D. Barks, of the County of Newaygo and the State of Michigan.

of the second part,

Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred dollars to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt thereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, to by these presents grant, bargain, sell, remise, release, alien and confirm unto the said part of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, sell that certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the township of Sheridan County of Newaygo and the State of Michigan, but more particularly known and described as follows to wit :

The east far half of the northwest far quarter of the section from (4) in surveyed township number twelve (12) north of range number Fourteen (14) west containing seventy nine acres and twenty five hundreds of an acre of land according to the government survey.

Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining : to have and to hold the said premises as described with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns, forever.

And the said parties of the first part their heirs , executors and administrators do covenant, grant, bargain and agree to and with the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents - well seized of the above granted premises in the Fee Simple : That they are free from all incumbrances whatever, and that they will, and their heirs, executors and administrators all warrant and defend the same against all lawful claims whatsoever.

In witness thereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered in Presence of Richard A. Martin,

Margaret Martin

Davis Miller

Jared W. Martin [ STAMPED]

Great Grandfather: John Barks

Prominent Michigan Pioneer & Civil War Veteran

John Barks & Rebecca Odel had 5 children:

Nancy Jane Barrick Born 1770 m. James Cummingham, Fairfield County, Ohio
Catherine Barrick Born April 29, 1778 m. Henry Mullenix
Elizabeth Barrick Born November 28, 1779 m. John Layton, to St. Joseph. MI.
George Barrick Born August 1781 m. Catherine
Solomon Born April 9, 1783 m. Jane [?]

Barrack, Johann Jacob 2nd Marriage to Mary Elizabeth Shefford [ - ]

George: Born: August 25, 1781 m. Catherine Foley

Henry Born: January 8, 1790 m. Catherine of Monongalea Co., VA.

Mary Ann: Born: January 11, 1791 m. James Murphy

Susannah: Born: April 23, 1794 m. Peter Smith

Adam Born: Dec. 5, 1796 m. [?] -- [no data]

Esther: Born 13 August, 1800 m. Hayden

Written by: Linda Abrams

Nancy Jane: Born 1805

William: Born: 1807 m. Harriet Carpenter

Joshua: Born: 1809 m. Anna Rupley

James D.*: Born 1814 m. Sophia Cool*

Mary: Born: 1816 m. Daniel Clark

Elizabeth: Born 1817 m. John Layton, Marion, Ohio.

Margaret: Born Feb. 21, 1818 m. Jacob Millisor

John Barrack / John Barks

BORN: 2 June, 1781, Jefferson, Virginia

DIED: 1842, Marion, Ohio.

MARRIED: Rebecca Odel [Odle], 12 May, 1802, in Cumberland, Allegany County, Maryland. Living in Berkley County. Virginia now known as West Virginia./

They removed to Fairfild County, Ohio, while John Barrick served in the Revolutionary War

In Fairfield County the spelling changed from Barrick to Barks, in May 12, 1802, Sheridan, Newago County, Michigan.

BORN: 30 August, 1774, Liberty Twp., Fairvield, Ohio.

DIED: 7 January, 1843, Marion, Ohio.

The 1820 Census lists Jacob and Solomon along with John in Fairfield County, Ohio.

[8] James D, Bark; called -John-: BORN: May 12/13, 1814, Marion, Ohio: DIED: September 27, 1887, Sheridan, Newago Couny, Michigan, at age 73 yrs, 4 months & 15 days.: MARRIED: Sophia Cool, March 24, 1842, Newago, Sheridan Twp., Michigan: BORN: April 25, 1821: DIED: July 22, 1883, age 82 years, & 27 days

FAMILY NOTE: If James D. Barks & Rebecca had a son, named John in 1820, he died very young.

As there is a tombstone with John Barks, Jr., on it, that is a child's sized stone.

James D. Barks, born: 1814 in Ohio, who married: Sophia C. Cool, a small stone.

A John Bark, Jr., buried originally in Barks Family Cemetery, Marion, Ohio, have tombstones transplanted to Evens Family Cemetery, Evens Lake, Michigan, when a large Mall, known as Southland Mall, was built over their grave site!

Their stones rest among and between other family members buried there.

John Barks, Jr.: Born: 1820: DIED: Young with a [small tombstone] found in Evens Family Cemetery, Evens Lake, Michigan, insccibed with -Jho. Jr.-. [No more data]

James D. Barks / called at times: John D. Barks, Jr.; Sophia Cool and John Barks, [ & 1st wife: Emaline S. Palmer, were buried at Even's Cemetery [Swedish spelling], Evens Lake, Michigan, a bit north west of Fremont, Michigan, in Newaygo County. Michigan

Some of the tombstones were brought from Marion, Ohio., where a large Mall was built over this sacred family cemetery!

James D. and Sophia Cool were killed in a tragic accident on the way to or from Marion, Ohio, to Michigan.

John Bark's 1st wife died after a brief time during the Civil War. He later married: Helen McDonald Barks, my great grandmother from Fremont, Michigan.

[9] John Barks*: BORN: 1843, Marion County, Ohio.: Removed to LaGrange County, Indiana.: at 18 he mustered into and served through the entire Civil War without even a scratch .. into the 100th Indiana Infantry; Union Army.

He served with Shermans 14th Division; 15th Army Corps under Sherman at Vicksburg; Chattanooga and the March to the Sea, to victory!

He suffered, though, as he aged, from post traumatic stress disorder
[ nerves / shellshock /nerves ], making him hard to live with.
: he died on February 11, 1910, in Michigan;he was buried: in Evens Cemetery, Evens Lake, Michigan, a few miles n.w. of Newaygo County, Fremont, Michigan, along with his: 1st wife : Emaline S. Palmer, February 25, 1872, BORN: abt. March of 1838, Newago, Michigan.: DIED on August 20/Sepmber 22, 1876, at 34 years & 9 months at about 4 years into marriage, w/possible stillborn & w/unreadable small tombstone ..

James D. Barks, John’s father, had not removed to Michigan until 1870 ... While: John Barks, removed to Sheirdan, Michigan, to acquire Bounty Lands in open Indian Territory, to Union troops.

He worked for James Barks as a day laborer, while preparing his own crops and cabin at Dayton Center, Newago County, Michigan, & 3 letters from John Barks written to :

FATHER: James D. Barks [just before Battle of Vicksburg]

MOTHER: Sophia Cool [reminiscing & reassuring]

WIFE: Emaline Palmer: [Missing his dear wife]

[ Freese Family URL:

John Barks, at age 35,

MARRIED: Helen McDonald, school teacher; October 5, 1878, age 21.

2nd/WIFE: secretary, editor & contributor [Fremont Grange News]: BORN: 1857, Oxford County, Ontario: DIED: 1938, in Newago County, Fremont, Michigan: BURIED: in Maple Grove Cemetery, Fremont, Michigan.

John was a prominent pioneer farmer, citizen, who after many years removed his 2nd family to a farm just north of Fremont Center, Michigan.

After John Barks returned to farming, from the Civil War. After a certain period of hospitalization, rest and recuperation, he was known to have suffered from a sporadic nervous condition, known as "shell shock," which eventually affected his relationship with some of his family members. Today it's more commonly referred to as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

After a time Helen opted to moved into the town of Fremont, living there separately and finally divorced.


1. Americus Vespuchi Barks, called -Gus-: BORN: 1878/1879, Dayton Twp, Newaygo County, Michigan: Spanish American War Veteran: Removed to Pacific Coast; worked in Mining: DIED: October 3, 1949 at the age of 70 yrs.: MARRIED: Jessie Hazel Peters: Removed to Portland, Oregon.“Gus” Barks, family, pioneers of Dunde, Oregon.


Charles Barks

Married to a Woman on Prtland, Oregon

[Common Law] WIFE: Ethel Willenberg,

She was born March 2,1919, NYC

She died September 29,1972, LA from lung cancer.

After his military service -Gus-, whom he preferred to be called, stayed in the Pacific Coastal region.

His mother, Helen [McDoanld] Barks, went west to spend a year with her son on the west coast.

When Helen returned she divorced John Barks, and moved to Fremont, Michigan, a mile and a quarter, north off of Darling Avenue from the family farm.

Helen helped her sister-in-law, Adella A. Clark, take care of her brother-in-law, George Barks, as he was to suffer a lengthy illness before his death in 1920.


2. Camalena Barks, named for Lumber Baron’s daughter, Camelena Muirs: BORN: September 14, 1883, Dayton Twp., Newaygo County, Michigan.: she DIED: September 4, 1952, at an out-patient apartment, Travers City, Michigan.: BURIED: Restlawn Cemetery, Muskegon, Michigan.

She MARRIED at age 18, Dayton, Newago County, Michigan, Hugh Wilsie, Holton, Michigan, a farmer, marine engineer & blacksmith trade at Pentwater, Michigan.: Huge, Wilsie. BORN: 1875, Holton, Frmont & Muskegon heights, Michigan.: DIED: June 20, 1944. [of Coronary Thrombosis]


Maurice James Wilsie [refer to Wilsie genealogy ]

Dorothy Wilsie Kuhne [refer to Wilsie Genealogy ]

3. Ralph E. Barks, Dayton, Twp, Newaygo County, Michigan.

Cpt. 301 Guard & Fire Company.: BORN: abt. 1890/91, Dayton Twp., Newaygo County, Michigan.: DIED: July, 16, 1920: BURIED: in Maple Grove Cemetery, Newaygo County, Fremont, Michigan., [with Helen McDonald]

Ralph MARRIED: Leona Adele: BORN: in 1892: DIED: July 16,1920: BURIED: in Maple Grove Cemetery, Newaygo County, Fremont, Michigan.


One might assume that some of the infants in the baby Row in Evens Cemetery, Evens Lake, Michigan, may be from this marriage.

But no data is available about the parents of the buried infants, other than that they retain the Barks family surname.

4. June Barks:

Born: 1895/1896

Died: about Easter 1965: Michigan County Death Index: SWANSON JUNE H. Listed in [Bk. 26] Page 289] [Death in 1965]

June lived with John Barks on the family farm. June Barks was still lived on the family farm property as late as in the 1910 [age 15] and in the 1920 [age25] Michigan Federal Census.

June's great nephew, Norman Kuhne was approached to see if he was interested in buying the Barks farm property.

June may have traveled to the Pacific northwest to visit with "Gus" Barks. She may also have visited the Pacific northwest again with Helen McDonald Barks.

NOTE: June worked at a Gerber Baby Food plant in Fremont, during WWII. She brought home boxes and packages of cereal from work once a month. She's said to have been a news reporter in Fremont and Hesperia, Michigan for time

Claire Kuhne and Norman Kuhne knew that she married George Swanson, of Muskegon, Michigan. He had one daughter named: Beverly. They had no children. George Swanson died around 1971

June’s mother, Helen was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, between George, [her brother-in-law] and her daughter-in-law, Leona A.[ Grant]

George Barks b. 1851, d. July 10, 1920

Adella Barks b. 1854 d. June 9, 1930

CHILDREN OF THE MARRIAGE : A baby is found in Even’s cemetery: Under

Children’s Burials. There are other possible off-spring buried there as infants.

[1] Emelio F, Barks possible stillborn infant [John Barks & Emeline Palmer ]

[2] George Barks, son of George Barks and Adella A. Clark

[3] J. Barks, [parents unknown]

[4] ? ? Barks,[parents unknown ]

[5] James D. Barks [parents unknown]

[6] James D.Barks [parents unknown]

James D. Barks was la/ter married to :

Ada V. Badger, Widow

BORN: 1860

DIED: July 24, 1906 Ada is buried in the Evens Cemetery, Evens Lake,

Michigan, in the same row next to James D. Barks

Children of James D. Barks & Sophie C. Cool

[G9] Siblings of John Barks :

John Barks, born in 1843 in Marion, Ohio

Jane Barks, born in 1849 in Ohio.

George W. Barks, born in 1851 in Indiana.

Elsie Barks, born in 1853 in Indiana.

Wesley Barks, born in 1855 in Indiana.

Celia Ann Wilsie Staubach Freese

[Rewritten to organize documented data bringing it to life].

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